...and the Brandon political coalition is a rearguard movement of those who feel they are losing from these changes, working class blacks in Chicago itself.

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But Blacks in Chicago, working class and otherwise, are still overwelmingly Democrats so how would that be? I do think many see themselves as loosing from these changes however, and for some that does translate to support for Trump but it is does not appear to be the main form such sentiment takes.

Working class to lower-middle-class Whites on the other hand (The majority being prime Trump supporters) have been leaving Chicago's suburbs for Northwest Indiana, Southern Michigan, Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond (hello Florida and NC!) for decades now even as they are still a quite substantial presence in Chicagoland, unlike in several of the more fully global city regions.

Indeed, 2000-2010 was probably the last hurrah of any substantial white flight driven growth in Chicago's exurbs or suburbs, and even that was a huge slowdown from the white flight driven growth of many Chicago esurbs as recently as the 1990’s.

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